On our blog, we'll be tracking our learning journey throughout 2013. Please join in and help us by providing feedback and comments. We'd love to hear from you!
From Mrs Marshall & Room 14

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Going to Beach Ed (by Ryan - 7y)

That's me in the green top. I am between the flags!
On Monday, Room 14 went to Beach Ed. We got to play in the playground and I went down the slide.
At Beach Ed, I learnt that when you are in the water, you have to stay between the flags. If you don't, you might get stuck in a rip.
We swam in the water and I went up to my belly-button.
I like Beach Ed because I like going in the water.


  1. i really like your story. From Brenna

  2. That was a good story.


  3. I have just shown Mum and Dad our Blog. By Ryan.

  4. Hi Room 14. I like your blog. It is really good to see what you do at school. Keep up the good work. From Ryan's Dad.

  5. Hello Ryan, we have just read all the stories from your fun and learning time at Ed beach. We are glad you know about swimming between the flags. From Grand-ma nd Grand-dad.

  6. Did you have a great time From Taine
