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From Mrs Marshall & Room 14

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Beach Ed (by Sarah - 6y)

Yesterday, we went to Beach Ed. I will tell you about it.

We walked to St Clair Surf Club and went into the changing rooms to put our bags and sunhats in there. Then, we went into a room and Zoe the lifeguard was there. We watched a movie that helped us be safe at the beach.

After than. Zoe put numbers to 10 on the board and we had to think of the 10 Surf Safety Rules. One of them was “Swim between the flags”. When we finished, Mrs Marshall chose two people – me and Jack – and we played “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” We had to go up the front and say the rules without looking. When I was about to say “Swim between the flags”, Jack said it!

Jack and me trying to remember the rules
After we had finished, Ella came up and we played “Sunsmart Sam”. Then, we had to see who could say “Slip, slop, slap, wrap in the summertime” the fastest. Mrs Marshall, Gracie, Jack and Lewis’ Mum came up to try. I thought all of them were quick!

Next we had lunch and after a while we went to the changing rooms. We got into our togs, then Taya gave me her boogie board to use in the water. Then we finally got into the water!


  1. Sarah you did a great story.I think you had a great time on that bodybord sarah. from taya.

  2. Hi Sarah, I like your story! I think that you and Jack did a fabulous job of remembering all of those surf safety rules! From Heather (Lewis's Mum)

  3. I had a great time because a lerant a lot.


  4. It sure looks like you had a good time at the beach. Glad the weather allowed for it. Also, I am quite impressed that you learnt a lot, remember you'll will need to practice all you've learnt to ensure your fun is done safely.

    Also, boogie boards sure are fun!!, right?

    From your brother Mohammed Issa

  5. Very nice story Sarah, I was very impressed at how you learn't all't all the safety rules. Good work Sarah. From Majd.

  6. What a wonderful story Sarah! It seems you had a fun day at the beach and you learnt heaps of stuff :). From Nibras Issa.

  7. You look like you had a great time at the beach Sarah.

    Your Dad
